Burnley Cricket Club

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Brunty's World Cup Prediction Sweepstake Is Back [WITH DOWNLOAD]

Like it suddenly being socially acceptable to survive off lager and crisps for a whole month, the arrival of a major football tournament signals the return of Brunty's Prediction Sweepstake, Russia 2018 Edition.

If you can't make it to the club this weekend, you can download a sweepstake sheet here and email it before kick off of the first game and pay your entry fee ASAP.

Grab yourself a fixture sheet from behind the bar this weekend or from the button below, predict some scores, pay a tenner and win yourself some serious wonga.

The money raised from previous football tournaments has paid for the big screen TVs in the bar and function room as well as some training equipment for the Junior Section.

Once downloaded and completed, email it to contact@burnleycricketclub.com and leave your £10 entry behind the bar ASAP.


Для хорошего клуба! Удачи!

(For good u't club! Good luck!)