How’ve you wintered?
Good stuff. We’re nearly there now. The evenings are getting longer and the sun is showing signs of breaking through. It can mean only one thing - cricket is nearly back.
Check out our lovely new fence.
Loads of work has gone on down at the club over the past few months. Thanks to various storms and boisterous football fans, the work to replace the perimeter fence on Belvedere Road has been accelerated and the new fence is complete. Hurray. And in other facilities management news, the upstairs ladies’ bathroom has been replaced and now much more pleasant… finally!
And… Blakey has had a shave. Yep!
These cards include a Member’s Only Discount.
But the news you’ve all been waiting for, membership cards have been sorted and from the 1st April (no jokes), those with a membership card will have access to a Member’s Only discount rate at the bar. Winner.
Plus, for all us traditionalists, there will still be the handy little membership books for keeping a check on fixtures, contact details and what-not.
The Committee request that all memberships be paid for by 31st May for the 2019 season. You can download your form using the button below and return to the club. All the info is on the form or available to read here.
Here’s to a great summer!